My services
Detailed numerological horoscope – $85
Are you curious about the story that lies behind the numbers in your date of birth and names?
I will need your full name (as it appears in the ID), date of birth, place of birth, time of birth (only if known).
Specific questions that you’re interested in – it’s best if they concern the future and involve matters of free will.
This is a written service sent via e-mail.
Basic numerological horoscope – $50
I will need your full name (as it appears in the ID), date of birth, place of birth, time of birth (only if known).
Specific questions that you’re interested in – it’s best if they concern the future and involve matters of free will.
This is a written service sent via e-mail.
Answer to a specific question – $40
I will need your full name (as it appears in the ID), date of birth, place of birth, time of birth (only if known).
The question needs to be connected with one name and DOB (date of birth). For two names and DOB the price is $55.
This is a written service sent via e-mail.
Yearly forecast 2024 /from month to month/- $55
I will need your full name (as it appears in the ID), date of birth, place of birth, time of birth (only if known).
The forecast is most effective if it concerns something specific – the development of a case, problem, project, life theme.
This is a written service sent via e-mail.
Selecting the best name – $55
I will need your full name (as it appears in the ID in case of changing your name), date of birth, place of birth, time of birth (only if known). If you’re naming a child – the details of the parents.
Three suggestions for a future name that will be analyzed.
This is a written service sent via e-mail.